Dude i may need more skill but my site isn’t as bad as http://www.aroundaway.com/
I mean i’ve got colors that are easy on the eyes. Good clean fonts. That site is just an overdo of 3d.
Dude i may need more skill but my site isn’t as bad as http://www.aroundaway.com/
I mean i’ve got colors that are easy on the eyes. Good clean fonts. That site is just an overdo of 3d.
All that matters is how you feel about it. Im just offering my $0.02.
If your offering design services, you want your site to reflect “great design.”
That’ll get ya clients. But if you get work with what you’ve got, good.
Like I said, its all in how well you feel about it.:thumb: And I was in no way trying to compare your site with the other one.
You know how in resume workshops, the first thing they always mention is to not have any typos on your resume? I would think the same thing would apply to a website like this because in both cases you’re marketing yourself. It looks like you’re in need of a proofreader…
‘prescense’ - typo, extra c
’pleasibility’ - not a word
’inturn’ - not a word, separate it
’tommorow’ - correct spelling is tomorrow
’there’ in last sentence of 2nd paragraph - should be their
’ideaology’ - correct spelling is ideology
I’ll assume that you know how to spell (or at least how to run this through a spellchecker), so having this many typos in a mere three paragraphs, let alone any when you’re trying to market yourself, implies that you have no attention to detail and/or rush things. This is something you might miss but I definitely noticed it right away.
too much blue…take a look at other sites, and see there colour schemes…your site would really benefit from better colours!
Some other things:
Good job on the ‘news’ and ‘featured project’ headers, their animations are pretty cool.
When you fade out everything when switching to another section, you should have the text shrink down as well as the white box. Also it’s minor but when the text first comes in, it shows over that bottom image. You should have the image on a higher layer so the text doesn’t go over it like that. This is rather hard to notice anyway
Hopefully my nitpicking is helping
I’m going to address each of you with this one post. Sorry it will be long.
Thanks for the corrections. You may understand this excuse but probably not. Its my fault and i should have corrected it. Yet please do know that the site is still in beta and changing daily. The text is meant as a constructive filler. I didn’t want to do the traditional “lorem ipsum” yet i was forced to with news. I will make sure to spellcheck with flash’s built in checker and with a trusted source online. Thanks for a great comment.
I agree yet i do not want to overload the site with colors. Thats why i’m basing the site on a blue/orange theme with the tints white and black. To fix this i think i will use black for all the content text with the exception of a little orange for the news titles. Also i will change the hue of the orange computer and use a more reddish shade to math the >> in the nav. Other than that if you have any more suggestions please go ahead and say them.
Thank You about the headers I’m reading a couple books on color harmonies and a design concepts book. The color book was recommended by a reviewer at BB Forums. About the text shrinking that was part of the plan yet i’m trying to maintain a healthy balance of animation and processor burning. Many people were complaining of the site being a bit intensive that is why the sections don’t come in at once. About text showing on the in tween i’ll make the text appear higher. I recently switched fonts and i probably missed it.
Lastly I would like to thank both of you for nitpicking it will help me develop a certain nick. I’m currently 13 and as i grow older i hope to develop my design abilities whilest leaving times for what teenagers do like gals and hanging out. If you try 2-cubed.net what you see is my first ever flash website and my first flash design component. (I was mainly a horrible animator) I am extremely pleased with all the learning and improvements i’ve made both within flash and elsewhere.
Thank You,
wow, you’re only 13? I wish I had been that good… when I was 13 I just played video games all day. keep at it and good luck
Thanks. I’ll work a bit more and post some updates.
When I was 13, I was proud to have just learned how to save as HTML from Word! Sheesh.
Hey, you are doing a pretty good job so far…as for the music, maybe you should give credit to the creators of the music as to not get you in trouble…
Also, I like the color blue! :thumb:
I was designing since i was 10. I started with a book called html for kids or something like that.
That is all in planning. Most of this will probably go in about or bio in a subsection titled “thank you’s”. Also from now on my sites are going to be reflective of another persons career or work. This release in a 2-cubed tribute to Hans Zimmer. The next will probably be centered around the movie October Sky. I too love the color blue. I love the subtle navy blue color used in the overlay. Other than that i love the color yellow and i’m still trying to incorporate it in somewhere.
The titles have been redone to fit the entire theme of the sites. The rounded rectangles look awkward in a design with all right angles. Also i’ve made all the text 1 color except for the titles of the news posts. Also the outro has been redesigned.
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