My current site has need a facelift ever since it went online. This time i thought i’d rely more on flash than on photoshop but again this isn’t completely true. Anyway i made the first page and i was just wondering if you guys has anything to say.
The home and about links are the only links active right now. Clicking on any of the others will mess up the site and will require a refresh. I wanted to make the file size completely to a minimum so i made everything load dynamically such as the text, images, sound etc. So if its a bit buggy at first please consider a refresh. Anyway please feel free to comment on anything as that is the only way i will learn.
There is an error in Flash MX 2004 for Mozilla based browsers that make it really slow when using transparent/windowless mode. I’ve read a bit on this matter and there is nothing i can do. I too am a firefox user and i’m disappointed.
P.S. The main complaint with my old design was the sound and i think i fixed it up pretty well in this release. I’m using 3 compositions by Hans Zimmer, they are from the movies Gladiator, Lion King and The Last Samurai. Another composition from Spirit is coming soon.
The blurb beneath the “welcome to…” is difficult to read because of the stripes behind it. I like the motion when it first opens, really eye catching. The diagonal stripes theme is well concieved, but it does hurt readability with some of the pixel fonts. All in all I really like the direction of this layout. Clean is good.
I made some good updates. I added a bunch more animation to the buttons. I added some non intrusive click sounds for buttons and for the loading. Also now all images are inside the swf and they are not loaded dynamically. The dynamic loading was creating issues and i just felt this was the way to go.