2 questions about flash forms

I am a real noob to making forms in flash.
i have made this page:


when the form is filled out and you press the send button, it will open up in a new window an ASP page (that will eventually email me the results, but i need to get the flash working first before i integrate that into it). Right now the ASP page will display the user’s entries into the form fields.

right now all of that works.


Problem one:
when you go to this site, and click the “Request a Demo” link, it opens the demo.htm file that i reference above, inside of a frame. Now when you fill out the form, the ASP page does not grab any of the variables.
I am sending the form information with an on(Release) action applied to the send button. the send button uses a getURL to POST the information in a _blank window.
I am at a loss as to why when the file is in the frameset it will not work, but when opened by itself it does work.

Problem two:
I am unsure how to have Flash check and see if the value of an input text field is equal to nothing (basically, i am using flash to validate if all of the required fields are filled in.
here is the actionscript that i have applied to the send button:

on (release) {
if (_root.varHear == “Select One”) {
} else {
if (_root.varName == 0) {
} else {
getURL(“form.asp”, “_blank”, “POST”);

Right now, it will validate the dropdown list on the page (which it’s value is equal to “varHear” and since “Select One” is the default setting, that means the user did not select anything, and so it will go to frame number 2 in the movie clip MessageBox which informs the user that they did not complete all the required fields.

But, the text box does not work the same way. varName is the Name: field in the form. i need to know how to have it check and see if the value of varName is not equal to anything. i have tried these: 0 “0” “” and none of these work.

does anyone have any thoughts or ideas on why these are happening. (sorry for the long post, but i just want to be sure to give as much information as i can the first time around.)

Thanks in advance for any help.
Joe Sites