I am creating a email form in flash. I created a movieclip, named it form and brought it into my main timeline from the library. Within the form is four input text fields with the following variables: name, phone, email, message.
On the main timeline I put my submit button for the form with the following code:
on (release) {
if (form.name eq “” or form.phone eq “” or form.email eq “” or form.message eq “” ) {
form.gotoAndStop (3);
} else {
form.loadVariables(“contact2.asp”, 1, “POST”);
form.gotoAndStop (2);
The button functions in that it will go to and stop on the form frame 3 if one of the fields is blank, or it will go to frame 2 of the form movieclip if all the fields are filled as I specified in my code. But does not pass the variables to the ASP page in that I get the email with no variable info passed on.
The submit button is not within the form movieclip itself but rather on the main timeline where the form is located. I tried changing the level on the loadvariables from 1 to 0 but that didn’t make a difference.) But if it is correctly going to the frame 2 and frame 3, I would think the button is speaking to the correct level.
I also did a test in which I replaced form.loadVariables(“contact2.asp”, 1, “POST”);
getURL (“contact2.asp”, “”, “GET”);
The url address was a mile long but it DID include the variable info, so I guess it IS passing the variables, but the ASP is not outputting them in the email:
I did test the ASP using an html form with those variable names and that does work correctly.
Here is the code on the ASP page:
’ declare variables
Dim EmailFrom
Dim EmailTo
Dim Subject
Dim name
Dim email
Dim phone
Dim message
’ get posted data into variables
EmailFrom = "info@mydomain.com"
EmailTo = "me@yahoo.com"
Subject = “F22 Website Inquiry”
Name = Trim(Request.form(“name”))
Email = Trim(Request.form(“email”))
Phone = Trim(Request.form(“phone”))
Message = Trim(Request.form(“message”))
’ validation
Dim validationOK
If (validationOK=false) Then Response.Redirect(“error.htm?” & EmailFrom)
’ prepare email body text
Dim Body
Body = Body & "You have received an inquiry from the Contact page on the F22 website. Below is the information submitted: " & VbCrLf
Body = Body & " " & VbCrLf
Body = Body & "Name: " & name & VbCrLf
Body = Body & "Phone Number: " & phone & VbCrLf
Body = Body & "Email: " & email & VbCrLf
Body = Body & "Message: " & message & VbCrLf
’ send email
Dim mail
Set mail = Server.CreateObject(“CDONTS.NewMail”)
mail.To = EmailTo
mail.From = EmailFrom
mail.Subject = Subject
mail.Body = Body
Any ideas/input would be greatly appreciated!