Ok first silly question is when I import must i do this on all frames or only on frame 1, or only on the frame that needs it ie:
on frame 1 i am using a preloader that needs
import flash.events.ProgressEvent
now on frame 2 I am using a UILoader that needs
import fl.containers.UILoader
could I have both imports on frame 1 and just forget about the rest, or must they both be on frame 1 and frame 2, or must the one that pertains to frame 1 be on frame 1, and the one that pertains to frame 2 be on frame 2.
Ok next silly question, this one may be a bit more tricky, lets see. So here is the scenario, I have built a site purely using flash it has a preloader to start that for some reason does not work, but for now lets not worry too much about that, this is on frame 1 and literally has 1 gif file picture placed on the center of the stage, then it has a rectangle as a movieclip that is on the stage. And all the AS3 preloader code. Thats all.
On frame 2 I have 1 line of text as static text on the stage and a whole bunch of AS3 code, within this code I have used a UILoader, in a for loop, this is bringing in only 2 .jpg images, and both are listening for mouse clicks. There are no UILoaders on stage however they are inserted with the addChild command.
On Frame 3 I have another preloader that also does not work, once again it is a couple lines of preloader code and 1 rectangle as a movie clip.
Before I get to frame 4 I will just outline the site, start with a preloader this should be loading the 2 or 3 or 4 jpg images to go onto frame 2, then one of these images is clicked on and I would like it to preload what is going onto frame 4, lets say it is a site of animals, it preloads into frame 2 where there is a pic of a dog, another of a cat, and another of an insect, the cat gets clicked on and another preloader on frame 3 takes you to frame 4 that has 50 pictures and text all about cats.
Ok I will continue, on frame 4 I have nothing on the stage at all, but I have tons of AS3 code, that brings in buttons, and listeners and some UIloaders that hold all sorts of dynamically pulled in pictures, some may have 5 pics, some may have 20.
So my question is firstly, is this possible, secondly my swf file is only 300k but all the pics may be 5mb, 10mb who knows, how do I make the first preloader load all the pics in frame 2, and when clicked upon then preload all the pics in frame 4.
Huh I know it sounds confusing, I will try to clarify if any one needs me to, maybe it only sounds tricky to me cuz my IQ aint so great, too much rap music I think, or maybe it was the heavy metal, as a child. http://www.kirupa.com/forum/images/smilies/phelps_medal.gif