Hi! I’m a newbie in this, I don’t know any actionscript, and I was trying to build a website using the preloader and transition tutorial. Here’s my question:
The external swf’s are preloaded in the main movie, which simply stops and waits for the loading. while its stoped, I can’t make a preloader bar to work in that frame. how can I work around this?
I know this is got to be simple, but I can’t get it to work… :d:
How do you go about having the preloader load first and then start up the movie. The preloader I added only starts after the whole file is downloaded. You only know it’s downloading because it says so in the Status Bar with no help at all from the Preloader I put in.
Do I have to have two swfs? One for the preloader, that loads the larger swf? I didn’t see any code for that.