wow finally i have made it to 2000 posts.:beam: :stunned:
yay Alex! :beam:
congrats! lots of spam, eh?
lol thanks
If you post nonsense in every single thread, it doesn’t take long to get to 2k…
nonsense? i have helped some people out with diffrent things…
but there is really not much people that i can help because i am really not to good in photo shop, neither MX
but do you have to post in almost every thread, just to be posting? Sometimes you tend to type, just to see your words come up in IE…
2000 posts, and 10 helpful ones? That’s not hard to do. Definitely not a celebratory event.
Show me 200 posts and 180 helpful ones and I will be impressed…
Quality vs. Quantity
*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**If you post nonsense in every single thread, it doesn’t take long to get to 2k…
Rev **
lavaboypostcount += 1
i help people when i can. im not going to go into MX and help some one with something i have no idea about. i do what i can to help people, and i am not that bad with the whole spaming thing.:-\
Not being able to help anyone is not an excuse to spam. If that is the case, then get better. Think about it. If you can’t help people that much, then you are pretty heavy with the spam (the only alternative left, and you have 2k posts). Go look at your prev. posts if you don’t believe me.
Lost only started learning Flash last June. Look where he is.
I’m not getting on your case, but I am saying if you can’t help many people, spend the time you are typing nonsense into the forum to do tutorials. Then when someone asks a question, you have done the tut, and can help out. Adding spam to every thread ends up making it very long to read what could be very interesting threads.
This is all my opinion, and I say it because I like you Alex. Take it with that in mind.
im trying to get better, but with school and work its getting harder to learn.
and while i am here, i am reading tutorials.
Congrats Alex! What you type isn’t spam - it’s called “conversationalizing”. It’s a nice politically-correct word for spam - which is healthy for you btw =)
rev, i probahly dont have the right, or place to say this, and i mean no offense by it in any way, but just because he posts and it isn’t used to benefit anyone (like you’re doing right now by these posts) doesnt mean he shouldn’t post
I didn’t say he shouldn’t.
I just said it wasn’t a celebratory event.
I also said it was my opinion only.
I was trying to help Alex out. Give him a bit of advice.
rev didnt mean any harm, i know where he is coming from.
Random / general type areas on just about any Forum tend to become more like ChatRooms now and again…
…we can all use Revs advice - 'cause we all need to keep an awareness about and reigns on our respective GRQ’s …
[size=1](Gibberish Ratio Quotients)[/size]
-wisdom is as wisdom does-
sorry, you’re right, i took it the wrong way