21 inch CRT's for 75 bucks

And Belgium? :frowning:

Just went and bought another one. He will ship them but you have to cover the freight cost. And a 21in crt is very heavy.

well its gunna be worth it anyway, its still a 75 dollar 21 inch monitor. Can you hook me up with an email or a phone number that i can reach this guy at? PM it to me if you want.

oh by the way, is this a flatpanel monitor, or is it all big and bulky?

I would love one… Can you ship it to the uk :slight_smile: I’ll pay for the shipping :smiley: Please dont say no :frowning:

PM me your requests for the contact info.

CRT’s are soooo last week :sure:

pets rotatable LCD monitor :beam:

So how are the quality on these DDD? IE what’s the max resolution and refresh rates? And how do the colors look?

ask him how much it would cost (total plus shipping) to get two from where he is to MD - cheapest/slowest shipping (ground, whatever?) would be fine.

Could we see a couple pics of your new monitors?

Are they flat Screen?


The colors are good cool (I have a really good vidd card), quality is great from what i can tell. I have my refresh rate at 65 there are a bunch to choose from (but I must admit I never knew what what refresh rate was). The dot pitch on the ones I have are 24. Max res seems to be 1600x1200

If I remember when I get home i’ll snap a few pics. If not ill post the model numbers and a link to the image.

If you like the shops number I can give it to you and you can ask them your questions. Or call UPS or FEDEX yourself.

Almost all my computers have giant monitors now which is sweet. Just to give you an idea. Most 21 in crt’s are still going for like 400-500 usd.

yea I’d like the number, hopefully I can get more info. I should have enough money laying around to cover the price plus shipping, and it would be absolutely fantastic to have two 21" monitors for my comp (two 17" here at work, and one 19" at home).

Refresh rate is how fast the picture is redrawn on the speed. Higher is usually better :slight_smile:

Yeah I just did a google on it. I am going to up mine now…lol… It mentioned headache and eye strain. I have my res at 1280x1024 and my refresh options still go up to 90, which I was told is a good thing. If that helps anyone.

I smell profit :beam:

yeah, i got a monitor a couple of months ago that said max res of 1920xsomething, i got home and i was like SWEET! but the refresh rate only went up to like 30 at that res to i had to downgrade to 1280x1024. It wouldn’t even disply 1600x1200 well. When you get the chance, could you check what the max refresh rate at 1600x1200 is on the ones you bought for me? Thanks :slight_smile:

I was thinking the same thing…lol. But I dont have the time or patience to do that.

Will do

**** I just spent 140.00 on one, but heck I don’t even live in CA anyway. :wink:

At 1600x1200 the highest refresh rate I have is 85. Also at 1280x1024 my refresh rate 100. I think I said 90 earlier

Please PM me when you can, I want to make sure I can get in on the deal while it’s still available.

i live in sacramento, ca, thats about a 2 - 2.5 hour drive