I have flown enough that I can sleep most of any flight. No matter what time of day or night it is. I just lean my head back and I’m out. I actually fell asleep before take off and didn’t notice it this weekend.
i can sleep most places driving, but not flying, i cant sleep at all
If you’re going to read, make sure to take at least 2 different books. I find the same book gets broing after a few hours.
You’ll probably end up sleeping most of the time anyway, so you dont have to worry about being bored
i always find that whatever i take to do (books, magazines, gb, mp3s) i always get bored with them, and fall asleep. So its pointless for me to bring them anyways.
You should try this thoriphes!
I guess you’re not old enough to drink eh? lol
Alright, this is it fellas. Last night in DC. Tomorrow night, somewhere above Canada. Thanks for all the suggestions; in my handcarry bag, I’m bringing The Elegant Universe, Angels and Demons, my iPod, camera, and some batteries. Should be sufficient self enjoyment possessions for my longass haul.
So I bid you all adieu, and a good morrow.
well here is what i do… i get comfy… then i take 2 sleeping pills… i fall asleep in like 5minutes and wake up… if the flish it almost there… i stay up… if it isnt i take 2 more