Woo 8 hour drive

I’m packing up my computer now, i’ve got to drive 8 hours to washington, ugh… Sitting in a car for 8 hours is really exausting even though your not doing anything, its pretty sad that after that long sitting down i’m still tired.

So long comcast, back to crappy public wireless

not doing anything - aren’t you driving? Or are you being driven?

I like long car journeys… especially when the weather is nice… roll the windows down, play nice music… stop every few hours for some coffee/ juice whatever… relaxing :smiley:

I love those long rides. Michigan to Florida is 21 hours/3 people = 7 hours each. Always fun pop in a DVD and make sure that the driver isn’t watching it also.

I fly a lot. Long flights. US -> Malaysia and Malaysia -> Sweden and Sweden -> US. Long… dreary flights. 30 hour ones.

One of the things I hate the most. Sitting on a plane trying to pass time. :m:

^Play video games? I would just wip out a 360 controller and play some gears of war. Or play an rts if you have that much time.

I’ve done that on the train before lol…cept that you need a wall power jack, and space for your mouse…I ended up taking up two seats lol :smiley:

Meh, Comcast sucks anyway.

long plane flights are horrible. you come out all creaky and crumpled, like cows had been chewing on you for hours. cool thing with cars is you can stop, get out, take a walk, have a drink, even find a hotel if you get sick of driving… on the plane there’s nowhere to go.

longest trip I had was Belgrade - Tokyo, it wasn’t quite 30 hrs, more like 14. Still sucked. Lots of sympathy for you, sekasi.

you could always pace back and forth from your seat to the toilet on a plane… Although I got some wierd looks when i did that…

yay its done!, I was being driven (I’m to young to drive :D) it wasn’t that bad, i stayed up all night and slept half the way hehe

Be sure to fill us in on what you have for breakfast.

Oh nooooo he DID’HENT

what is your shoe size?

I love the posts immediately proceeding nobody’s sass.

Too bad you weren’t in Washington on Saturday. It was wicked pissah.

as long as the weather is good I can endure the time…