Hey everyone!
In about 10 minutes (8PM CST), the season finale of 24 will start. In case you have not heard, 24 follows one day’s events of special forces agent Jack Bauer and friends.
So…who’s all will be watching it? I’m a 24 addict, and I’ve spent several days’ of my time watching Seasons 1 and Seasons 2 and almost a whole day of Season 3!
I still haven’t caught up though, i’ve missed some in season 3, but I plan on getting the dvd. I watched all of season 1 on dvd, and season 2 is my project for the first week of summer
wait - is this only season 3? i thought this was season 4? or am i confused? and rambling?
I am an addict too! but on dvd that is I can’t afford the schedule for watching it on tv and I just canNOT miss anything. So I’ll wait until it’s on dvd like I did with the first 2 seasons and watch them all the way through at once. :beam:
haha that’s nuts. I love that show! I have this season “Tivoed” hehe. I liked the 2nd season the best. This one is all over the place…remember the cocaine boy…then the mexicans…then the whole president thing. And remember that alllll happened in one day. What are the chances that that all happens in one freekin day…w/e
ahh, there we go, that’s why i was confused. I missed a couple of episodes in the middle of the season, I thought the cocaine boy was a different season hehe. Yeah, it really is a lot to happen in one day. I felt that way with the first season two, but it’s a cool concept and an awesome show.
Well - this season is over, and the last episode was, as usual, excellent I thought it was a 2 hour season finale, but I was mistaken. Because this is actually 24 hours long (minus commercials), so many things happen; it is very tough to keep track of all of them. The druggie kid, the Salazars, Nina, Millikan, and more were all this season hehe.
wow, i have to get the dvd when it comes out, I think i’ve missed a bunch lol. I think next season they should have the villains win though, it would be completely unexpected, and it would be really awesome
If Season 4 will be the last season of 24, the bad guys probably may not win (because the show is supposedly fake realistic, and we would know if something bad happened), but Jack may not live towards the end
That would be such a killer last season if CTU failed and the whole world blew up or something. But if you really think about it, Jack it a horrible agentt, he lets all the bad guys get away and his wife killed lol…dork
Nah - Jack is an excellent agent. It’s not his fault that his wife and daughter in Seasons 1 and Seasons 2 don’t understand the meaning of “Don’t go there!” If Kim were not in CTU during this season, she would have gotten herself in more trouble like she did in Seasons 1 and 2. Terri Bauer should not have been wandering around CTU where Nina killed her.
Unlike the previous seasons though, he finished of all of his enemies in Season 3. FOX will have to come up with new enemies that will threaten world security in Season 4
Well then CTU agents in general suck lol example: when Tony was trading his wife for the daughter and they opened fire on Saunders, no one hits him! He just slides away in to the LA River! Then Jack takes a couple of shots at him and he misses too! haha
Well, the new President would probably be Senator Keeler. I think there was a 2 year break between the seasons, so the new season will start with the new President in office. I was hoping President Palmer would pardon Tony Almeda, but that didn’t happen