[SIZE=4][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=#680aac]I get the need for an array creator, because it makes it waaay easier and faster. The only problem is, it doesn’t support more than one kind of tile, and it can’t be as many as you want. You would have to make a button for every tile you ever used, in order to change the color dynamically. I can’t figure out how to make it more flexible.
Meanwhile, irregular tiles!! I made the Tile class able to interact with rectangular tiles, but they all have to be the same shape.
Tile(array, array, number, number, movieclip, boolean);
tiles = [“block”, “block2”, “block3”];
var Scene:Tile = new Tile(tile_arr, tiles, 10, 15, _root, true);
My .fla got too big. If you want it, pm me your email, and I’ll email it to you.