Hey Guys, I need some help on simple 2D math… should’ve payed more attention back in school but now I count on you.
I have a circle of which I know the center point coordinates © and the radius. On this circle, there are 2 points (T1 & T2) which I also know. The distance between C and T1 as well as between C and T2 is of course the radius of my circle.
What I want to know are the coordinates of point § where the tangents N1 and N2 intersect.
My theoretical approach:
First I need to have the vectors V1 and V2. Then I need to get the normal (N1) of V1 running through T1 and normal (N2) of V2 running through T2.
At the end I need to calculate where N1 and N2 intersect, to get the coordinates of Point §.
Or is there another (better) way to achieve what I want?
I hope it is comprehensible what I need to do, otherwise please let me know so that I can clarify. Any help, tips etc. are highly appreciated! I’m sure there are people out here which are either nice math genies or even just have been more attentive in math class than me…