30$ iso building pixel art battle

This battle has a history before it even started - read this.

**- 2 contestants hand picked by me

  • prize money (30$ Amazon.com gift certificate or Paypal payment) comes from my 2nd place at kirupacity contest
  • 3 rounds battle
  • contestants have to use provided tiles but are free to do with them what ever they want.
  • basic tiles will be provided monday night (22:oo central european time)
  • submission has to comply with battles theme

-The Kirupian - KirupaVille gazette office

**- to make it fair Ill pick contestants on similar skill level

  • let us see your pixel art by:[LIST]
    []posting here (in this thread) a link to your work (portfolio/ DA/ whatever)
    ]posting here (in this thread) 1 (one) best example.[/LIST]- contestants will be picked monday night (22:oo central european time)**

**- contestant displays his work in his separate topic

  • as in KirupaCity contest you have to use kirupaville plots (preferably 2x2)
  • 1st round - basic building
  • 2nd round - final finish and detail work
  • 3rd round - extra touch - give your work something special
    **- 4 days time limit per round!

The outcome **

  • the winner will be picked by popular vote.
  • contestants plots will be placed in kirupaville … linked together by my addition ;]

Gentlemen (or Gentlewomen)! Start your pixels! Let me see your magnum opus!

… you barely made it.

Last call: your works have to be submitted by Wednesday 22:00 CET

so, um, has anyone actually done anything?

dammit no ive done nothing - ive been working heaps lately - and heaps busy after that :frowning:

teacher! extension?


where is Berg, anyway? i thought the deadline for the first submissions was yesterday.:h:

Im lurking around ;] Got sh**loads to do. I do this graphic thing fo a living.

Ok, no deadlines this time, but next round will be max 4 days. 30$ will go to the side who will do something if the other side presents nothing.

ok ill try to do some this w/end

it’s a shame this died like it did. i was really hoping for some cool stuff :frowning:

ill wait till monday. Hope to see something…
If not prize money will go to the Magazine Cover Design Contest.

Kirupa was right :|… as allways ;]

officialy this battle is over. nobody bothered to do anything so prize money goes to Magazine Cover Design Contest.



sorry everyone - i have been really busy and have had no time…

i feel embarassed to even post in this thread :diss: