Ultimate Kirupa Battle Round 3

Back by popular demand! Round three is among us!

4 Contestants left. Only two will survive. Who will it be!

Size: 1000px x 600px
Due: Tuesday July 6, 2004 @ 12:00pm central time
Other: Contestants are required to look up the word they have been givin so that they are able to make a picture based on the meaning.

Theme: Infrangible
Contestants: hypermint and zao

Theme: Volacious
Contestants: Vdaminator and Dj-Studios

Good Luck to everyone!

[COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=6]Semi-Finals Have Begun![/SIZE][/COLOR]

so the entries are due on tues right?


cant wait to see all the entries.

Seems like it’s been forever since someone even talked in this thread or posted :puzzled:.

ya. i remember the very first round it was like 5 threads till we got an entry in. now its like 2 threads and it looks dead.

Thats because the submission date is so far off, I mean, its been around 4 days (too lazy to check) and you guys still have till Tuesday if I remember. Whats to talk about during? Nothing :-/

ya. ic ur point.

wow this is a much harder battle. i actually have to think about what i am going to do on this one. also can not wait to see all the entries

Did we have to use images from the last battle, or just start fresh?

hhmmm…good question, Dj didn’t say you had to, so I would guess no. I’m assuming you haven’t started yet then :wink: It is due tomorrow, no?

what time tommorow is it due?

Well considering that I think my entries out weeks in advanced, the execution time isn’t that long.

zao you near completion on yours?

I need to extend the dealine everyone. Terribly sorry but I’m sure most of you haven’t completed anyway. I have to start summer school tommorrow and won’t be able to submit my entry on time. So I am extending the due date by one day. So entries are due Wednesday instead of tommorrow.

Sorry everyone…

What about all the others that got disqualified because of not meeting the deadline :slight_smile:

Uhhhh… one question.

If you knew you were starting summer school tomorrow, why didn’t you start earlier?

Yeah tis true I myself started early because I also have to go to summer school tommorow thanks to english class.

you fail English, that’s unpossible :stuck_out_tongue:

Ouch my pride…lol