4 Contestants left. Only two will survive. Who will it be!
Size: 1000px x 600px
Due: Tuesday July 6, 2004 @ 12:00pm central time
Other: Contestants are required to look up the word they have been givin so that they are able to make a picture based on the meaning.
Theme: Infrangible
Contestants: hypermint and zao
Theme: Volacious
Contestants: Vdaminator and Dj-Studios
Good Luck to everyone!
[COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=6]Semi-Finals Have Begun![/SIZE][/COLOR]
Thats because the submission date is so far off, I mean, its been around 4 days (too lazy to check) and you guys still have till Tuesday if I remember. Whats to talk about during? Nothing :-/
I need to extend the dealine everyone. Terribly sorry but I’m sure most of you haven’t completed anyway. I have to start summer school tommorrow and won’t be able to submit my entry on time. So I am extending the due date by one day. So entries are due Wednesday instead of tommorrow.