3d interfaces?


Im looking to design a new version of my home page, and was looking for some inspiration and found it in the form of this site http://www.trendax.com, and wanted to no if ne1 new of a way of making a 3d ‘white chrome’ interface like the one on this site.

is it a 3d program or just some serious PS?
does ne1 no ne tuts tuts to teach the basics?


Try looking on http://robouk.mchost.com/ - this guy has got tutes on how to draw metallic surfaces. :slight_smile: I’ve tried them and they do work. Once you know how to get the appearance, you can apply it to a whole interface. :slight_smile:

So you think that it probally was dun in PS?

I can’t see the site you linked to, it’s coming up with a Bad Gateway error… But I’ve seen some 3D style interfaces before… Mostly they’re done in Photoshop, yes. Sometimes people do them in programs like 3DS Max, but at a guess I’d say mostly PS. :slight_smile:

sorry its comin up with the bad gatway error because of a comma after the link http://www.trendax.com try that.


Ah, got it now, cheers. :slight_smile:

Yeah, I’d say that was done in Photoshop. Go to RoboUK, and have a look at his Orb Interface tute. That tells you how to do something similar. You can adapt that to suit your needs I would think. :slight_smile:

Trendax was created by WhosWe Studios so I doubt the main interface was created with PS alone. It’s most likely created with a 3D program like 3DSmax and touched up with PS.