Im looking to design a new version of my home page, and was looking for some inspiration and found it in the form of this site, and wanted to no if ne1 new of a way of making a 3d ‘white chrome’ interface like the one on this site.
is it a 3d program or just some serious PS?
does ne1 no ne tuts tuts to teach the basics?
Try looking on - this guy has got tutes on how to draw metallic surfaces. I’ve tried them and they do work. Once you know how to get the appearance, you can apply it to a whole interface.
I can’t see the site you linked to, it’s coming up with a Bad Gateway error… But I’ve seen some 3D style interfaces before… Mostly they’re done in Photoshop, yes. Sometimes people do them in programs like 3DS Max, but at a guess I’d say mostly PS.
Yeah, I’d say that was done in Photoshop. Go to RoboUK, and have a look at his Orb Interface tute. That tells you how to do something similar. You can adapt that to suit your needs I would think.
Trendax was created by WhosWe Studios so I doubt the main interface was created with PS alone. It’s most likely created with a 3D program like 3DSmax and touched up with PS.