3d or Photoshop?

Hi, i was wondering if this interface (whoswe) is done on a 3d program or it is just photoshop, and if it is photosho, could someone explain me how to get a similar effect please???

most likely done in a 3D program, then edited a little in Photoshop.

That interface was definitely done with a 3D program, but it’s still possible to create something close to that interface with PS. It would require some work, but here’s a chrome tutorial you can use. Just create whatever shape you want and then apply this chrome tutorial to it.


and on the 3d program, is there any tutorial???
i have 3dsmax5, plasma, swift3d, cinema4d, but i’ve tried to do interfaces and nothing :frowning:

I haven’t seen a totorial on how to make a interface in any 3D program. You’ll have to learn by trial and error.

yeah I agree trial and error. In plasma I believe they have a tut in their help files for a 3d interface. What you basically wanna know how to do is organic modelling or poly modelling those are the ways I would go about it…big push for 3d interfaes lately. Is there something I dont know about???

ok, then i’ll try that…


*Originally posted by 3d-iva *
**yeah I agree trial and error. In plasma I believe they have a tut in their help files for a 3d interface. What you basically wanna know how to do is organic modelling or poly modelling those are the ways I would go about it…big push for 3d interfaes lately. Is there something I dont know about??? **

i like the simple and miniml interfaces. :sigh: but whatever, i think its just another crazy trend.

But yeah thats gotta be in a 3d app. But they have mad skills so i wouldnt be surpised to hear PS, but i think its a 3d app.