Hey , ive been asked by a few people on how i created my last avatar, which was a 3d version of my old logo.
Vote yes or no to a tutorial … which will cover importing illustrator files into maya… using bevel plus to achieve the 3d elements. and maybe some simple texturing and lighting (the tutorial will be too long if i get too much into these ) …
hey sgroove, its coming just need to structure it, without running through a video type tutorial it is much harder to go through even something as simple as a 3d logo, there is so much to it. I was reconsidering maybe a cut down version of the tutorial just to show bevel plus tool, instead of running through the entire 3d logo tutorial,
created it in photoshop , sliced it up in fireworks, took it to dreamweaver , applied javascript to the buttons. and tiling to background.
:: btw when you visited my site, did a little icon appear next to your address bar… im trying to get the favourites icon to work, i think you need to bookmark the site for it to work.
ok, i have come to a cross road… the tutorial is getting huge, and will be pretty hard to explain in a html type tutorial without aiming it to people that already know maya… I got my hands on a evaluation of screenflash 1.45 and it works pretty sweet with my computer. Thought the file size hits about 8-9 meg… (i can save as low quality, havent tried that yet)
Is this too big for most people?.. if so i will just try to explain in the html based tutorial as much as i can… without getting into it too far.
And ive decided not to use my old avatar logo as the tutorial model, i wasent too sure about giving out my .ai file of my logo, i dont mind giving it to kirupa people but there are alot more people other than kirupa members that go to the tutorial section of the site, so instead i created something similar to it but with a K (kirupa) twist. Its not the same , but follows the same principals.
8-9 megs, yes, I would say thats too big. I think basic screen grabs will suffice. If people have Maya, Im sure they wont be using this tutorial alone to learn it. Expect some level of competency.
not using your avatar? Perfectly fine. A K of some sort is a great alternative.
ok kool, ill stick with the html, it not too bad, just was fun to use screenflash, and it ran quite good on my computer, at 1024 X 768 @ 75 refresh rate. Its pretty Cool to see how you work, u pick up some intresting faults in your own methods. and from something like 1200+ frames it only ended up being 9 meg.
::oh and the K logo i came up with actually looks pretty cool. simple but decent.