[3D Metaballs]

After a short period of not posting anything new, I used the short break to, once again, develop a little Metaball snippet.

Well, 3D-Metaballs. When I started scripting this I didn´t know where I would come out with, because I noticed quite early, that this exposed to be a brain twister when you want a halfway fast and performant result. Furthermore, I didn´t want to use just plain textured blobs, so generating textures on the fly and mapping them constantly is a task to solve that shouldn´t be underrated.

Enough talk. Currently I published two versions. The first one uses fluent perlinNoise bitmapData as texture…

Launch (FlashPlayer10 needed!)

Both examples require a lot of performance to run accurately right now. I´m working on a third, more performant version at the moment, that hopefully will be a lot more faster anyway, so enjoy playing with those two approaches in the meantime and feedback whatever you like to say… :wink:
