hey guys…
so when exactly is this due??
hey guys…
so when exactly is this due??
It’s due on the 18th which is 3 more days.
Ok guys, here’s my entry, I asked Dan if it’s ok if I could submit it in early since I’m not going to be here on the 18 and I won’t be back till the 22nd and he said ok.
wow simply another amazing battle piece elec, how do you do this stuff… keep up the good work !!! =)
That is way awesome!
that looks so cool electron geek!!
i should have looked at that earlier :-\
Oh well it’s too late to do anymore…
so heres my entry! :cowboy:
800x600 - http://www.ohnishi.net/kei/downloads/Impulse%20(800x600).jpg
1024x768 - http://www.ohnishi.net/kei/downloads/Impulse%20(1024x768).jpg
That is nice too, and I LOVE snowboarding.
This is going to be tough…
WOW ELECTRONGEEK! very very nice work.
love that rock!
here is mine
hope you guys like it…
you guys … you must see electrongeeks SUNSIZE.jpg… that is some good art work!:A+:
Them’s some sweet werx, Geek and Kei! I’m an advanced skiier, but my $700 (that’s in CDN$ so it’s like US$4.87) boots got stolen/lost. I’ve been boarding only 3 times, but it was hellafun so I’ve decided to take it up. Gonna go out and get the gear tomorrow, actually. Just a beginner’s board for now and we’ll see how it goes!
Here’s my entry:
3D/Photoshop battle: Umbilicus (1280x1024)
3D/Photoshop battle: Umbilicus (750x600)
Sorry about the weird image size, but my desktop is set at 1280x1024 and I didn’t realize that it wasn’t standard 4:3 ratio until I reduced the file dimensions after I had finished my entry.
::EDIT:: Added the comment regarding remote linking.
Wow you guys keep up the good work!
Kei- Is that squarish ball thing created in 3dsmax? It’s frickin’ cool!
thanks for ur feedback guys!
bcogswell11 - yep… just about everything on that was created in 3D max other than that snowboard guy and the texts…
I had this different idea at the start… was going to make this futuristic city but I didnt have enough time…so ended up changing it to a snowboarding scene! the thing at the top left corner is meant to be the city… It’s basically buildings (modelled using primative objects) placed on a sphere…
since i changed my idea half way thats why the wallpaper looks a bit weird! hehe
Hey alethos did u make that tree kinda thing in ur entry?? that looks soo mad!! what programs did u use?
I used Maya 4. It has fractal scripts and such. I basically had to model pathways and apply what are called “tubes” to it. Maya uses fractal math and your colour/shape/size/etc settings to build the tube thingies. I love your city ball. Did you use the greebles plugin or was it all done manually?
Thanks for the comments guys, this is going to be a tough battle as I expected. To Kei and alethos, both your work is really good, it’s nice to see a variety. =)
ahh Maya
nah i did it manually… wats greebles plugin do?
Thanks Electriongeek. I like your new footer; it’s a lot cleaner than the old one.
Dan’s the last one to submit, right? I must say I am surprised at the variety in the submissions. I’m not sure what I was expecting, but I’m happy I was wrong. Great work you two!
Thanks alethos, I got bored of the old footer so I made this one.
I’ve never used Maya before, but I wish I could though. =)
You know old scifi shows with spaceships – oh! Star Wars had a lot of this. You know how the Death Star has a bunch of surface details that are just like pipes and cubes and stuff sticking out of it? The Star Destroyers had it too. Well those details were dubbed “greebles” and someone made a plugin for MAX that put greebles onto a surface geometry. Your city looked a lot like it, but used in a better way.
Hey, Geek, is Cinema 4D a lot like Truespace (I think that’s what it’s called…can’t remember)? If it is, then wowie wowowow! Truespace was a witch (with a capital “B”) to model with beyond sticking primitives together.
Great work once again to both of you. :A+: :A+:
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