
First combo of the two (-:

Sorry about the text, its the splash to me new website.

Good start, but it could use more detail. =)

I think it looks fine. When it comes to splash pages - the simpler the better. This graphic provides just a hint of what’s to come in the main page.

your scanlines aren’t really used right, in my opinion. The grey lines on the black work, but im not sure i like the way it intersects the text at the bottom. In the middle it looks cool though. Maybe try it without the lines, and it would probably look a lot cleaner. And i agree with E-Geek, ‘needs more detail’

what program was used for this? Strictly Photoshop, or did you use a 3d proggie?

Sorry if this came off as harsh, i assume you were seeking feedback… :moustache

Yea, feedback is what I wanted. I made the “crystal” in 3DS Max4 and did everything else in Photoshop 5.5 or 7. You think I should add more detail to the PS aspect of the pic, right?

BTW My total experience with 3ds max is about 4 hours total :slight_smile:
I’m kinda new at Photoshop too :slight_smile: whatever.

uh huh… Man I was lurking in “online” and I see all kinds of n00bs, unregistered, looking at this thread. :stuck_out_tongue: (-: :slight_smile:

they are biting on your style… :beam: we should plant land mines…

Lol, I certainly dont mind… My style is jacked from other people :slight_smile:

Sweet :slight_smile:

It might be a bit spaced out though. You have a lot of negative space that is just… empty. I agree with EG that it could use more detail.

Alright Lost, I’ll work on it sometime. I want to add more color, like something that looks like using the Dodge tool, but I dunno how I could get that to look good…

Some dodge to the far right might help on that side.

What do ya mean Lost? If you have time/resources, feel free to screw with the pic yourself.

I mean just for fun, like to show what you mean.

Ok that makes no sense… Lemmy re-phrase and spam at the same time…

If you want, feel free to modify the pic for fun, to see what you can come up with.

Ok :slight_smile:

I am working in something in Flash right now, but I might do that later.

ya man [again pronounced as one word, Canadian style], Its cool, whatever.

You canadians must not like 2 words :beam:

hah. Sounds good, it does.

*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**You canadians must not like 2 words :beam: **

BAH!! those 2 worders think they are all that, but we canadians know that 1 worders rule the land!!

morse: …dam ur the new spamming machine!! :trout:

[whipping sound] ■■■■ straight. And guess who is my inspiration… (-: :slight_smile:

:sleep: here, just for grins, not aimed at anybody…