Abstract 3D/Photoshop Battle

I wanna get another abstract 3D/photo battle going. The entries from the last one were just so juicy…I want to see more!

So abstract wallpaper made with 3D and Photoshop-like programs. A mod will pick an actual theme this time to guide the abstractedness. I suggest a longer than usual time to have it due since people are on holidays and might be going away for a while. :slight_smile:


I’m in! :stuck_out_tongue:

No thanks, I am still trying to recover from getting my *** spanked in the last battle :*(

Dan: WHAT?! I voted for you so you just have to compete! I wanna see what you can spit out given more than an hour of work time. Will ya do it? Huh? Will ya?

:stuck_out_tongue: -Al

can i join
hopefully i wont get spanked again :rambo:

can we get a mod to set up battle
or are we waiting for more people?

The more, the merrier. But we have three now, so I don’t see why we can’t get started soon. I think if we allow entrants even after a deadline and theme are assigned will be good. That way people just discovering this battle and wanting to join can do so (as long as they meet the deadline). What do you think?

thats sounds like a great idea, why not get the battle started then put an entry deadline on it then a submition deadline as well

Ok so all we need now is a mod to plop down a theme, dimensions, and deadline.


i loved the last theme
althought it really killed me cause im not a good flash designer
can we keep it to photoshop ?

To clarify:

This a desktop wallpaper battle. You can use any 3D apps, and raster-based image apps like Photoshop. Your final submission must be an abstract work, but following a theme that will be set by a mod. The deadline will be a bit longer than usual to account for the holidays. Also, anybody can join the battle at any time, but no submissions will be allowed after midnight GMT of the due date. Also, the mods will set a minumum dimension.

So no Flash (unless you use it to make vector drawings and then rasterize it).

As soon as we get a theme we can get crackin’.


what theme is it going to be?

it will be abstarct lets see if we can get some crazy, outside the box, weirdo, freek mod to set up the theme
has anyone one seen lost?? :crazy:

I might be in on this one. I haven’t touched Photoshop in awhile except for pixel art, so I need to get back into it. What better way is there than doing a battle? You guys will dominate but it will be fun.


Theme: Abstract Wallpaper representing Destruction (No Motion)
Programs: Anything
Participants: alethos, bcogswell11, kaotic
Due Date: 1-11-03

sorry guys…
i dont think i’ll be able to enter this battle… :*(
im not going to be able to work on it at all until like the 13th~14th Jan…

I’ll def enter the next one though…

good luck to u all!!

Yeah yeah Dan, don’t enter me just yet. get the battle going and if I have time I will enter. I’m sorry if my post was misleading, I said I might be able to enter it.


I’m in. …As long as that’s okay with everyone.

All are welcome to drop into the battle at any time, but all entries must be in by the deadline. This is a laid back battle. :slight_smile:

I’ll be starting mine fairly soon. I just moved so I gotta unpack and stuff.

good luck to everyone
i particularly like this topic, going to be interesting to see what everyones interpretation of the topic is:crazy: