i see from your posts and site that you are an awesome 3d artist , what i would like to know is how you get that really clear look in your renders , i guess i mean the way they look so real ?
well Im not e-geek but that is a very broad question since rendering has alot to do with your settings. But an even bigger factor is lighting, the environment and camera positioning. Then in 3ds max (not sure about cinema) you have things like depth of vision or DOV. What proggy are you using maybe I can suggest some reading. To get terrific renders there is allot of theory involved.
thanks that would be great . i am using cinema 4d but is new version so i am having probs finding tuts for it. i have however been learning alot from all the older ones i was jsut curious if there were maybe one single aspect i should focus on that would improve my renders ? :whistle:
eh :stunned: that is the one proggy I have next to no experience in. BUt what I will say is that any book which speaks on the theory of 3d is good since the rules of rendering apply to all. Now if you want know how to render that is different. But the theory behind lighting and camera position is very key and essential. You can have the best model in the world but if your camera angle and lighting sux it will make you model look like you know what. But as far as the particulars for the specific proggy e-geek is a good person to ask
ok , thanks
3d, if you could i would like to see some stuff for 3dsm on that kinda stuff if you have it hanging around.
and still images are also enhanced in PS most of the times for example if you forgot to render a depth of field or enhance the lightning/contrast/colors…
yeah! i forgot! save the alpha channels then bring it into ps! that will help a ton!
preacher, 3d-iva is right, I’ve been experimenting with custom textures and different lighting effects to achieve the look of my renders.
Tutorials are great, but they can only teach you so much. You’ll need to experiment on your own and see what works best for your projects.
A lot of my renders are touched up in PS so it’s not just a raw render straight from C4D.
ok , thanks to all that replied this place is very helpful