Uhhhh yea

1.) Open http://www.morsedesigns.com/3d/prison.jpg
2.) Stand Up
3.) Back away from computer
4.) Observe
5.) Sit down at computer
6.) Comment


I think it would look better if there was more dust and adjust the lighting to volumetric lighting so that you can see the light actually bleed through the window bars. :-\

Hymmm… Interesting thoughts… Much thanks :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Wow, thats awesome, is it a render?

i just think the glow on the bars look fake…other than that WOW!

the only thing that caught my eye far away was that the ground’s topography looked a little too “round.” Maybe make it a bit more even/flat?

The bars only up close looked kind of funny…

other than that … i mean this… it rocks man…great work…

Thanks everybody for the great comment! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I’ll take everything you said into consideration and repost later.

c!rYx- 3ds max r4 :stuck_out_tongue: