3D Space Travel


I found a cool effect on flashkit, 3d space. But now it looks like your moving very slow. How can I increase the speed and just let it stop after a few seconds?
Maby someone can take a look @ the fla.


That stinks :wink: The star movement is tweened in the, Oddly enough, “star movin in a path” clip in the library. Youd have to retween for it to be faster :-\

This might interest you though


Thnx, this works perfect. The stars have to stop after a few seconds… I tried changing the speed but no succes…

reference = 150;
speed = 20;
MovieClip.prototype.asNewStar = function(){
	this.x = random(Stage.width)-Stage.width/2;
	this.y = random(Stage.height)-Stage.height/2;
	this.z = 1000;
	this.onEnterFrame = function(){
		if ((this.z -= speed) < -100) this.removeMovieClip();
		else this.drawStar();

MovieClip.prototype.drawStar = function(){
	this.lineStyle(5-this.z/200, 0xffffff, 100);
	perspectiveRatio = reference/(reference + this.z);
	this.moveTo(this.x*perspectiveRatio, this.y*perspectiveRatio);
	perspectiveRatio = reference/(reference + this.z + 20);
	this.lineTo(this.x*perspectiveRatio, this.y*perspectiveRatio);

galaxy._x = Stage.width/2
galaxy._y = Stage.height/2;
galaxy.onEnterFrame = function(){
	this.createEmptyMovieClip("star"+ depth, depth++).asNewStar();

to stop those stars, just delete galaxy’s onEnterFrame

delete galaxy.onEnterFrame