i have a circle, and if i want to make a thing that looks like a pipe, how do i do that? i tried lathe, but then i can’t select the circle surface and can’t move it. thanks.
edit: it’s supposed to be “a pipe”… i changed my title and forgot to change an to a.
there’s another way. using extrude, and rotating the surface, and then redoing the steps. but that’s a lot of work… i’m trying to figure out an easier way.
I am confused about the pipe . . . ?
would this be a ring . . . or maybe curved piece of tube . . . ?
If not isn’t there a cylinder generic geometry basic shape button in Max ?
Draw a cylinder. Then draw a tube around it where you want the section taken out. Make sure the tube only intersects that bit of the cylinder where u need it removed/sunk in. Then Boolean it in compund objects. Add bend if desired.
Or as Darkmotion says. Draw the section thru it, only one 1 half, then use a lathe or surface revolver. (what ever its called) and set the pivot point as the centre of the cylinder and rotate 360 degs. Again add bend if desired.
i don’t want to hollow it or anything, just wanted to bend it… i tried extrude on circle, and then tried to bend it. it actually bent the circle 45 degrees throughout, meaning it didn’t curve it…
yes, i also tried lathe with curves, it didn’t work very well… but thanks. the hose should work well. thanks again for your help.
I’m not a max user, but I know they have a ring sort of primitive in there, just do one of those with segments divisible by 4 and then delete 3/4 of it, and then extrude the parts near the end to have the connecting bits.
Draw a cylinder!!! not a circle. A cylinder is a circle extruded, but has height segments included, these define how well it will perform if displaced on its z axis. The amount of height iterations defines how smooth a curve would be. 2 Segments would create one big kink (A extruded circle will have one height segment…it won’t really bend). Where as 64 iterations would create something quite smooth.
You can then still bolean a tube out of the side as I said above, do the bolean before the bend tho. Job done.
doesnt max have bend modifiers still? Also I would use a cyclinder (make sure to have enough geometry) and not a extruded disk. And for the extrusion on each end, I would select the midde polys and shoothshift in (the tool is called smooth shift in LW not sure what it is called in max)