People who are decent at 3d stuff

How could I make something like the attached file, in 3ds max? Just the basic shape mind you, not the material.

a couple of metaballs and a reflective surface, and Im not even sure it’s as (complicated) as being metaballs, could be lofted object using a special extrusion, but I don’t know 3ds at all so I can’t tell…





rev :sure:


::stands in corner with pointy hat::



:crazy: meatballs. Yeah that would probably work too… …:trout:

:bu: one day Ill discover how you came to be that way.
Dang every forum should have a rev…

[h][/h] thread is important to me :frowning:

Hey I know where that blob came from cough my site cough I used swift v3 to make this which has been under construction forever…

Basically I used the extrusion editor to make some weird shapes. Then beveled the hell out of them. I think I have the t3d file if you want it.

yeah I would loft an object ad bevel it. Or you can do a few half circles then pull faces and weld them together then do a meshsmooth. Metaballs would be my first option. Sorry I did not read your thread fully you are using max.

Hum… how exactly would I weld them together? Could you throw me a link that covers this (yes, i have been looking in that nifty sticky and finding nothing)?

not being sarcastic but max help files have something on welding vertices as it is called. My brain is fried so I dont have much help to offer right now. But I would go to or and search for metaballs or polygon modeling. I think metabllas is the way to go.

if you have swift I can get you those exact results pictured above :slight_smile:

Yep, I do have swift, I just suck at it. If you could send it to me it might help :slight_smile: I’ll also check meatballs at those 2 places.

Metaballs tend to have alot of trouble with smoothing, even after you apply meshsmooth or HSDS modifiers.

I’d start with a few low poly spheres, squash them down, then remove the faces where they would connect. Convert them all to an editable mesh, attach them together, then you could extrude some edges out to make the basic filler shape between the spheres and weld the vertices together.

If you kept the mesh in quads (4 points to each vertex) it would meshsmooth nicely.

Actually, a better way to do spheres that are going to be smoothed would be to start with a box with a few length, width and height segements and apply the spherize modifier… that way you keep the quads, but then you’ll have to fix up the smoothing groups.

Good luck!

3d-iva, you think you can post up the .t3d file, i wanna take a look at it too :stuck_out_tongue:

sorry forgot hey morse and sauce drop me an email Ill reply with the t3d.

morse…I am surprised at you…:stunned:
you shouldn’t be trying any quick fixes… you are a good modeler…
model that organic from scratch dude… I’ve seen some of your stuff and it is good, don’t halfstep… practice make purrfect

sauce I sent it.

gp - Thanks, but the problem is that I’m not the best at modeling. I’m not to sure where to start for things like welding vertexs, etc.