4 products, but to only show what it was determined

I am with big problem, example I am making a “item product”, that he goes to show image, the description of the product and the price of the product, the image, the description and the price, I am catching these data of my HTML.

PARAM NAME=movie VALUE=capaProd1_1.swf?i1=imagem1&n1=TV+29+Polegadas+Tela+Plana+Real+Flat+Advanced+29PT5642/78+Philips&p1=de|R$+623,15|por|R$+256,31>

it woks normal, without problems, now starts my problem. I made some mask animation in the price and description and such in timeline, I made these animation with the 4 products.
now the question:
As I would make thus, in my HTML I have that to put 4 images, 4 description and 4 prices it to works normal, without giving error, but if I to place 2 images, 2 description and 2 prices it show 2 products, but it still goes until the end of timeline showing nothing.
how I would make if I placed only 3 or 2 products, it I would only twirl these 3 with Loop, if I placed 1 product only show 1 time without loop, it he would be without Loop and thus for ahead?