4000+ members! Wooohooo!

We now have 4018 members! How cool is that?! It was only at 3500 like 2 weeks ago!

wow that’s cool, growing so fast… :smiley:

Wow!! But how come they never come on? :frowning:

*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**Wow!! But how come they never come on? :frowning: **

Some of them re-register for each question…

And many register, but never post.

And many post once and never come back :-\

This is pretty awesome - also the number of members who stay on the forums at any given time usually hovers around 20+ a good portion of the time =)

Kirupa :bad:


we got 21 new members in less than a day!!!

4048 :slight_smile:

I’ve been on for two hours now and I’ve seen 4 new members in that time. This is simply crazy… what did someone tell them there was gold here?

Congrats Kman… you’re forum is BOOMING

send some of 'em my way :beam:

I could use a few more members… :frowning:

Say the word and I will throw the link up on my site man :slight_smile:


Ok, I posted it in the links section on my site, but can you please make a 88x31 button for it so I can throw you in my affiliates section smoothly ?


I’ll make it as soon as I hit my seat at school… which will be in another 30 minutes or so…


I do Top 10 posters. then there was 480 pages.

10 * 480 = 4800

thats wrong…hold on… let me try again…

418 pages with 10 on each page

418 * 10 = 4180

I get 140 pages with 30 on each page.

140 * 30 = 4200

I think you carried too many 1’s…

