400th post!

iT’S MY 400TH POST!!!

[SIZE=4]400[/SIZE] posts

woohooo… oh wait… so?

lol I don’t know how you guys get so many posts!

Especially considering you joined the forums after me! :slight_smile:

this will be my 312th post… Yup I deserve an anniversary tooo…

? I was the fifth person to register on the forums… you were the 239th. :slight_smile: I registered before you, but I also help out a lot in the other forums. :slight_smile:

enough with these posts guys - do you want the post count disabled for the random section again?

POST COUNT DOESNT MATTER - it’s quality, not quantity.

(unless your phil - because he can do whatever the hell he pleases :wink: )

haha :slight_smile: congrats IshiXP, hm… you’re here since June 2002…

hehe it’s my 294th post :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by Jubba *
**? I was the fifth person to register on the forums… you were the 239th. :slight_smile: I registered before you, but I also help out a lot in the other forums. :slight_smile: **

Oh it says you joined on Jun

it says you joined in Jun too!

something’s wrong! (-: