5 way design fest.....Ronnie vs DDD vs Darkmotion vs Boon vs Dr.Vroeg

Same rules as DrVoerg and DM’s battle…brb… gotta copy and paste their rules.

OK I’m Back

Purely vector, in any program; Flash, Freehand or Illustrator etc. The premise will be whatever is the leading headline in the Drudge Report for the chosen day.

Judging will be generally based on four things:
• Use of Color(were going cartooney here)
• Relevence to headline.
• Comedic aspect of Rendition
• Character styling

Suggestions welcomed.

• file must be 1440x900
• completely vector, no bitmap images
• work will be posted when both are completed
• no text unless incorperated in image ie…signs on buildings, brand names etc…
• the theme will be derived from the headline in the Drudge Report on an agreed date.
• Best of three competition
• Take your time, we need some quality brought back to the design section;)