Same rules as DrVoerg and DM’s battle…brb… gotta copy and paste their rules.
OK I’m Back
Purely vector, in any program; Flash, Freehand or Illustrator etc. The premise will be whatever is the leading headline in the Drudge Report for the chosen day.
Judging will be generally based on four things:
• Use of Color(were going cartooney here)
• Relevence to headline.
• Comedic aspect of Rendition
• Character styling
Suggestions welcomed.
• file must be 1440x900
• completely vector, no bitmap images
• work will be posted when both are completed
• no text unless incorperated in image ie…signs on buildings, brand names etc…
• the theme will be derived from the headline in the Drudge Report on an agreed date.
• Best of three competition
• Take your time, we need some quality brought back to the design section;)