Now the list I have generated, includes Moderators - to be fair and to show a well-rounded community and team - I feel that some of the non-Moderators should be on the team. Right now it is about half Moderators and half Kirupians.
Please post your thoughts and comments. Let’s get this going and present a solid united front.
Thank you.
**EDITED McGiver got the boot for the more Talented and more Senior Senocular.
I think this might have been overlooked in the huge thread in Random, but the Fantasy Art vs Photography thing. How about we have both? 11 battles, not 10. That way we get what we want, they get what they want, and it means that we can’t tie 5-5.
i’ve private messaged JNicklo with that proposal Kit, and I also proposed to him that the Collaborate or go Individual be up to the person. If you choose collaboration then you may not have more than one partner helping you.
I also PM’d simplistik; I just noticed he was viewing board.