Running means working towards running the distance of 1 mile in 6 minutes and 30 seconds.
You will be “joggin” until you can maintain a brisk run speed.
Cardio is the main component behind the “let’s run it off” idea. You need that heart rate elevated for more than 15 minutes to start burning fat.
As far as eating. Everyone reacts different too foods.
I would say eat an “energized” breakfast.
Something that consists of eggs, or shredded wheat, or wheaties, combined with something like Orange Juice or Sunny Delight.
Around lunch, eat something thats filling, but not loaded with calories…subway is about the only fast food you are going to get away with for lunch. Other than that, two PB&J sandwiches, and a decently healthy drink.
Mid-afternoon try to get something light and full of energy.
Then for supper, have meats, pastas, ,something hearty that has that “good for your bones” feeling to it.
If you workout around 5-6 pm, then that midafternoon snack would be good to consist of something like a granola bar and some gatorade.
You need energy about 30-45 minutes before you work out, so your body has something to work off of and metabolize.
Then after you work out its good to have something with a quick boost of sugar, like a small bowl of ice cream. This sugar helps your muscle fibers from breaking down and stimulates new growth.
As far as time-
You will feel some kind of minor pain all the time
(serious, sharp, or pinging pain, sometimes accompanied by numbness is a serious sign, and you should back off what you are doing, re-evaluate, contact a fitness professional in your area or a doctor.)
You will feel a difference after 2 weeks.
You see a difference after 4 weeks.
Marked difference after 6 weeks.
I personally suggest to someone trying to get started in this…to take it nice and easy the first two weeks.
Monday - Work out body with weights. - ab workouts.
Tuesday - Do cardio (Running, biking) - ab workouts.
Wednesday - Work out body with weights. ab workouts.
Thursday - Do cardio (Running, biking) - ab workouts.
Friday - Work out body with weights. ab workouts.
take the weekend off, and if you feel like it, throw some “minor” abs in there.
But you have to be diligent.
When dieting you can’t just cut calories- still eat that food!!! just watch the total fat grams in it, and make sure its healthy, and not ladened with sugars, carbs, and calories.
PROTEIN is your friends, comes in the form of eggs, tuna, chicken in a can.
When running, don’t give up, if you have to walk some of that mile, resort to a brisk walk- but FINISH IT. it will come with time.
Everyone is different, you can at least get that stomach flat within a month, if you do it right.
Will it be chiseled up? No, that takes time for the muscles to grow into that shape. But keep at it and some definite lines should start showing up within the 1.5month area I would think.
Also what are height and weight currently.