A Challenge

Heres a nice challenge for all you kirupaians:

I am trying to make a chat system for my home LAN, without using anything from outside. basically, a way to chat with the other pc on my LAN without using AIM, etc or relying on anything on the net. this would be very useful if the connection to the net was ever down. ive tried to do this in javascript and php: no go
any ideas?

-the jag


hahaha very funny

hmmm seems no ones found a solution yet please note that it can be in any language, not just javascript or php, though a web language would be great

well, two solutions…

1: Microsoft has a built in messaging system… sorta
do use it do this:
to message a single computer type: “Net Send (COMP TO MESSAGE) Hi… This is where the message text goes”
to message the entier domain/workgroup type: “Net Send /DOMAIN:(NAME OF DOMAIN] Hi… this is where the message text goes”
(note: dont put in the perenthesises)


2: I could see if i could wip up a visual basic program for ya

Assasin2 pegasus :evil: :evil: :evil:

hey the net send sends the command but the other pc doesnt receive it does that pc have to be on dos at the same time?

The other PC doesn’t need to be on dos, just turned on and logged on. Is the network active at the time? Check.

Do you get any error message? What does it say when you send the message?

  • Soul :s:

so no one here uses carrier pigeons anymore then?

ok here are some of the problems i thought of
-one sytems is running xp, and one is running 98

-do both systems have ti have dos running at the time?

-michael jackson’s nose

thats all i can think of
i dont think firewalls would interfere

Just a lil info"netsend" command does not work in windows 98

i though so!!! thats the culprit. i have an xp and a 98. now were back at square 1. crud!

it’s all about the carrier pigeons m8 :slight_smile:

have you heard about Quick Chat (qChat)? type quick chat in google for more information.

heres the link
but the dang page doesnt load

I have that workin in my office, I told them to install windows 2000 professional and server, couple of our systems are totally dedicated to database management and it has windows 98, plus there’s another one(our accounting computer) that one is also on 98, netsend works fine on all windows 2000 pro and server…yet i kno a software it’s called Lan Talk, dont know if it’s available online now, u gota search for that one + we made our own lan talk software… under heavy construction rite now.

howd u make ur won? what language?

We have used VB basically, loads of Api’s and loads of R ‘n’ D involved.

ok im gonna be learning vb next school year ahh IT BURNS TALKING ABOUT IT DURING THE SUMMER…anyway…in sch sch AHHHHHH school ill be learning vb next year


go to the forms, read the fourms, you learn alot, thats where i learned all the vb i know