A clash of ActionScript! Need Heeelp!

Ok well I’m building a website here and I’m having a very frustrating issue here.

It’s a fullscreen flash site.
Everything is grouped into an MC on the main timeline
This main MC has a Navigation MC with buttons in it and a Content MC.
and I’m using this code on the MC to keep it all centered in the browser:

[AS]Stage.scaleMode = “noScale”;
Stage.align = “TL”;
main._x = Stage.width/2;
main._y = 0;
function tweenmain(easeType) {
var beginX = main._x;
var endX = Stage.width/2;
var time = 1;
var mc = main;
mainXTween = new mx.transitions.Tween(mc, “_x”, easeType, beginX, endX, time, true);
main.onResize = function() {

In the Content MC, swf’s are loaded externally for each page when a button is clicked in the navigation
This code on the timeline in the main MC coincides with the Content MC and is used for dynamic resizing of the Box to a specific width and height:

[AS]uniqueBounceID = 0;
function bounce(param, endingVal, clipsName, speedFactor, bounceFactor) {
if (clipsName._x<>undefined) {
var bounceID = _root.uniqueBounceID++;
clipsName[“param”+bounceID] = param;
clipsName[“endingVal”+bounceID] = endingVal;
clipsName[“speedFactor”+bounceID] = speedFactor;
clipsName[“bounceFactor”+bounceID] = bounceFactor;
clipsName[“startingParamVal”+bounceID] = clipsName[param];
clipsName[“changedParamVal”+bounceID] = 0;
clipsName[param+“ID”] = bounceID;
clipsName[“callBounce”+bounceID] = function () {
if (clipsName._x == undefined) {
} else {
if (clipsName[“endingVal”+bounceID]<>Math.round(clipsName[clipsName[“param”+bounceID]])) {
clipsName[“changedParamVal”+bounceID] = clipsName[“changedParamVal”+bounceID]*clipsName[“bounceFactor”+bounceID]+(clipsName[“endingVal”+bounceID]-clipsName[“startingParamVal”+bounceID])/clipsName[“speedFactor”+bounceID];
clipsName[“startingParamVal”+bounceID] += clipsName[“changedParamVal”+bounceID];
clipsName[clipsName[“param”+bounceID]] = Math.round(clipsName[“startingParamVal”+bounceID]);
} else {
clipsName[clipsName[“param”+bounceID]] = clipsName[“endingVal”+bounceID];
_root[“bounceInterval”+bounceID] = setInterval(clipsName[“callBounce”+bounceID], 10);

When a button is clicked this AS is used to set a new width and height for the content box to tween dynamically to that specified width and height:

[AS]onClipEvent (load) {
newWidth = 900;
newHeight = 600;

on (release) {
_root.bounce("_width", newWidth, _parent.box.boxBg, 10, .6);
_root.bounce("_height", newHeight, _parent.box.boxBg, 10, .6);

And when I run this swf in an html file, it doesn’t center in the middle of the browser… It’s way over to the right. It just wont stay in the center of the browser window like its supposed to… What could be the issue here? Anyone see any visible clash in the AS I’m using?

Thanks guys.