Scale problem

Earlier this week i posted already two treads wich both did not help me any further itried a lot and searched over the internet for a solution but my problem is the next. I made a 100% x 100% flash site. Now i want to add a menu. But the menu has to be on the left of any screen. It has to appear out of the screen on the left and stay there 10 pixels from the edge of the users screen. No i tried the codes with Stage.align = “MT” and Stage.ScaleMode = “NoScale” But it does not giving the right result.
Does someone can help me? I got a main swf. in this swf files web.swf and menu.swf has to load. web.swf always centered in height and width.
The menu.swf needs to stay on the total left in the middle.
I 'm really working on my actionscript skills but after trying for more then a week i’m getting a bit desparate.

Greets Jos

[AS]Stage.align = “LT”;
Stage.scaleMode = “noScale”;
var stageListener = new Object();
stageListener.onResize = function (){
leftmc._x= 10;
leftmc._y= (Stage.height/2)-(leftmc._height/2);

Thank you Bluenar but the problem with this code that it only works when i resize the browserscreen (i tested it on mac safari 2 mac and windows firefox 1.5 and windows IE 6

next to that i changed the Stage.align = “LT” with “CM” because the rest of the flashfiles/movieclips needs to be centered.

On another topic i saw this code:

Stage.align = “TL”;
Stage.scaleMode = “noScale”;

container._xscale = Stage.width *.10;
container._yscale = Stage.height *.15;

stageListener = new Object();
// Create a function for the event you want to listen for
stageListener.onResize = function ()
container._xscale = Stage.width *.10;
container._yscale = Stage.height *.15;

// Code for response to browser resizing here
// Assign a listener for the Stage object

In that case i think container is the leftmc.
but what meanse the code:
container._xscale = Stage.width *.10;
container._yscale = Stage.height *.15;

And even whit this code how can i make sure the rest of the movie is centered? Is that even possible?

kind regards

i’ve found the solution
with special thanks to scotty.

check http://www.dri360 for the temporary website…

i’ve found the solution:hugegrin::hugegrin::hugegrin:
with special thanks to scotty.

check http://www.dri360 for the temporary website…

Well, what was the solution? :slight_smile: [OT]Is that your site? Pretty nice[/OT]

I added al the stuff that needed to be centered in one movieclip called main

and gave it the firstframe the code:

Stage.align = “TL”;
Stage.scaleMode = “noScale”;
stageListener = new Object();
stageListener.onResize = function() {
main._x = Stage.width/2-main._width/2;
main._y = Stage.height/2-main._width/2; }; Stage.addListener(stageListener);

Thanks for all the help form you side either, BlueNar

The site is for now…
in the future it’ll be

Very nice. Which tutorial did you use to get the ‘resizing’ for your external clips so smooth?