but that is with his eyes closed, and is an old pic…
I want a new one!
and how about Sen?
I noticed his is not up either…
but that is with his eyes closed, and is an old pic…
I want a new one!
and how about Sen?
I noticed his is not up either…
I guess I might as well post some of my more recent unibrowed pics:
[SIZE=1]{ alas, as one can tell, I really do not have a unibrow, but the lighting for some reason makes me look like I have one in all of the other pictures. This picture somehow escaped the torments light has played on me for years }[/SIZE]
{ the unibrow returns :ub: }
Kirupa :cyclops:
Is it me or is Kirupa getting younger in each image he posts.
*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**Rev your image is incomplete, you need to put on your chef hat.**
I haven’t worn a chef’s hat in over 10 years…
I don’t even think I own one anymore…
baseball caps for me…
just doesn’t quite relay the same message via smiley tho…
Senocular: http://www.kirupaforum.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=128&perpage=15&pagenumber=45
And another one of sen:
hehe, I never saw that one!!!
I saw the one that was a huge collage of him, but I couldn’t seem to find that on the forum now
wow, a studly type dude…
::looks for kit::
Yup just what I expected, Sen looks like a trouble maker alright.
*Originally posted by kirupa *
**And another one of sen:
http://us.f1.yahoofs.com/users/39b7fe8d/bc/Yahoo!+Photo+Album/trev32.jpg?bcdF9fqB.fk9k54z **
I never saw either of these… Wow, Sen’s cute. :beam:
[SIZE=1]Stop sniggering, Rev…[/SIZE]
whoa, how did i miss this thread? yeah, you definitely look much different, rev, from the other pics i’ve seen you in (really only one). You need to put on your glasses and chef hat, maybe then i’ll recognize you
and kit! your pics are getting progressively clearer and more face-y!
while we’re at it, here’s my most recent pic:
I now wear 1/2 glasses, kinda… those were bifocals… lost them out of my backpack… miss those frames…
Wow, a head on shot of Thor!!! Usually you get some weird angle shot to show us… so yeah, you do look different then I expected.
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