Finally, A Picture

Alright, you’ve all been pestering me for long enough to post a decent photo, and I found this old (ish) passport one, so what the hell?

It’s a couple of years old though, taken when I was about 20, so that’s about 5 years ago I guess. Eek, that makes me feel old. Don’t even ask about the hair. And yes, I <i>know</i> I look about 15. Don’t laugh at me. :slight_smile:

wow finally, the London Cyborg revealed herself. =)

You look so difference without all that make up which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. =)

Thanks for the image Kit. :geek:

Yeah, I don’t really go in for the make-up thing. As you can tell by that pic. :stuck_out_tongue:

The arty one is black and white too, which always makes you look different. But I was looking a bit Goth at the time… What a difference a few years makes. :slight_smile:



:beam: Yay at last! :beam:

Oh and Kit online on a weekend, too miracles in one day :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :goatee:

I’ve got my home PC working, having had it laid out on the floor in pieces for ages. :slight_smile:

Yay :beam:

  • Soul :goatee:

Well, you do look 15, but mamma mia! :cyclops: :cyclops: :cyclops: You’re cuter than I thought.

haha, it’s ok… even though I’m 20, I look 15 as well…

You’re 20 Lava? Wow :beam:

I guess its better than looking older than you are Kit? :slight_smile:

  • Soul :goatee:

All right, I’ve seen this done on another board, and I though it was pretty cool (it was marco’s idea, from The idea would be that everyone on this board posts a picture from himself, taken in that machine where you put some money and you always look silly (I don’t know how they’re called :sigh: ).

A bit like this:

Well so far, there’s just the 2 of us babe :love: but if you guys want to send your picture, you’re most welcome :slight_smile:
My mail is

pom :phil:

I am going to the mall today - I will get one of the photo’s take there :slight_smile:

And Kit - you are very lovley… Here’s a flower just for you,:flower:

WOW!!! Man, time difference suck. About time you posted your picture there Kit!!!

You really do look 15 in that picture though, which I don’t know is creepy or just a sign of really good aging.

Since it is you, I will say it is a sign of really good aging though :slight_smile:


And Ilyas: How big does the picture need to be?

hey ilyaslamasse are you french or canadian ???!?!
i noticed your .fr references and checked your profile,
where d’ya come from man ???

No… he’s actually French if I’m correct in saying iylas…

And I have picture thrown everywhere man…

Go there and choose one to your satisfaction… Umm…

Kit… See now… That wasn’t so bad was it? It’s a very nice pic… Thanks for sharing… coughfinallycough :beam:

Am I the only one that looks exactly like my age here?!? lmao

I’m 20 :wink:

*Originally posted by playamarz *
Am I the only one that looks exactly like my age here?!? lmao

I’m 20 :wink: **

I think you look around 18ish actually.

I think I look my age, even though many people tell me I look older than what I am (18).

You gotta see me in person I guess then… when you look at me as 6’6’’ then you’ll see what I mean… lmao

BAH!!! 6’6" Are you basketball player or something… sheesh.

I am 6’ even. My brother is 6’2" and he is tall.

i think the pic idea is pretty good…it doesn’t look like many ppl are posting their pics tho…unless pom hasn’t updated that page as of yet.


Don’t scream…