A clear image of me + other mods!

First off, please do not release this photo to anyone…

Kirupa, if you want, I will make a smaller version for the Meet the Mods page…

Just thought you might actually like to know what I look like now…

since any photo you might have seen is years old by now…

I had to send a photo of myself in for a casting application (TV commercial), so I snapped a quick photo with my digi cam…


You look different that what I had though, but now that I look at you, your smiley really does look like you =)

Yup. :slight_smile:

It;s strange that even though you’ve posted pics before, you still look different to how I’d imagined. :slight_smile:

Mind you, the same could be said for most of us, I guess. :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by Kitiara *
It;s strange that even though you’ve posted pics before, you still look different to how I’d imagined. :slight_smile:

LOL, I was thinking the same exact thing kit, ive seen multiple pictures, but he still looks different then what I imagined. I guess it is because the pictures we saw were older pictures… at least thats what I told myself :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m a bit heavier right now, than I’ve ever been… plus, I just chopped off all my hair a few weeks back…

I’m going camping in Yosemite in 3 weeks, so I’m walking up hills every day now… last year I couldn’t make it up the stairs to the top of the falls, and I want to make it to half dome if we have enough time (I have a bad right knee, so… this is ambitious)…

hopefully that will take off a few pounds as well…

the grey is getting a little more pronounced as well…

It’s hell to get old.


You don’t look too heavy to me, but that is just a head shot … i still stick by that you don’t look that heavy.

I just chopped off my hair last night, we actually have the same exact hair cut right now… literally.

Grey is distinguished, and sexy :love: hehehe.

Sucks about the knee though, I hope you make it to the half dome!!!

I guess everyone looks slightly different to how we imagine them… It’s only when you meet them face to face that you get it clearly. :slight_smile:

And since we’re all embarrassing ourselves…

Don’t know if I ever posted this before or not. It’s not clear (surprise) because it’s from a webcam, but this is fairly recent.

Thanks, I don’t feel okay. I feel chubby at best. That is why I am going to thin up a bit. because I don’t feel right. Abzoid is 300 lbs… my Pop is 250 lbs… right now, I’m about 175lbs, and that is around 15 lbs over.

Yeah, grey shows experience…

Nice Doo, huh?

I’m gonna give it my best shot. I made it 1/2 way up the stairs (cut out of the granite, about a mile of stairs going straight up) last year… the view from the top is incredible. They have cables, which were installed in 1890’s, that go up the back of half dome, so you can climb up, have lunch, and climb back down… It just takes a day to get there… plus you have to pack everything in around 5 miles, just to get to the place to camp the day before you go up Half Dome…

So, I don’t think I will be climbing Half Dome this year, but I can get a lot closer… As my friend says, “It’s an arbitrary goal.”



it’s not clear, but it is more than we’ve seen…that sounded bad…


I did a little Doctoring (I can’t resist playing with toys), and this is what I came up with…


maybe we should make this a mods show theirselves thread?


Sure rev - I’ll update the Meet the Mods picture with a new one. I too had you pictured a lot more differently =) Kit - blurry as usual, but if you squinch your eyes and look at the picture, you look a tad bit like Steffi Graf! :ub:

Kit: You kinda look like my sister in that picture… hehe.

Rev: Im 150 and im a walking stick. How tall are you? (im 6’0")

My uncles been to Yosemite a few times, he says it is beautiful, I would like to see it some day… hopefully.

Well inch your way close to your goal each time and hopefully you will reach it =)

*Originally posted by reverendflash *
maybe we should make this a mods show theirselves thread?

Well I think most/all the mods saw the thread with my pictures already, but…

They are recent (except the one of me when i was a kid)


You look a lot cheekier than I had imagined based on the first mod pic. :slight_smile:

Steffi Graf crossed with Lost’s sister… Hmm. :stuck_out_tongue: Good thinking Rev, never thought to reduce the pic a bit, seems to make it a bit clearer at any rate. :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**Steffi Graf crossed with Lost’s sister… Hmm. :stuck_out_tongue: Good thinking Rev, never thought to reduce the pic a bit, seems to make it a bit clearer at any rate. :slight_smile: **

I don’t have a picture of her to scan, but if I did I would show you… hehe.

Hehe. :slight_smile: Well, I guess if the camera comes out at any point and horror of horrors, a clear picture of me is taken, I’ll post it, so you can compare. :stuck_out_tongue:

I also used a plug in called Image Doctor, which utilizes an algorithm to smooth out the artifacts… I just don’t have much need for it, since the job it was bought for has finished… I made it smaller as well, but it was not bad larger, just more crisp at a smaller size…


I’m only 5’ 8" so 160 is about my optimum weight…

and yes, you should come out… Yosemite is incredible. every where you turn around the light changes, makes this view totally different than you have ever seen…


I see what you mean about being crisper at a smaller size. I think I prefer it smaller anyway - this was taken at some weird hour in the morning so I’ve got no make up or anything and my hair is a birdsnest. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think there’s still some mods that I haven’t seen pics for, trying to remember who though…

Philbo for 1…


There is a picture of Phil from his 3Com days I think. There is no picture of eyezberg, kax, and h88 =)

Rev your image is incomplete, you need to put on your chef hat. :stuck_out_tongue: