A Contest!

Hi all,

I’ve started up a contest that may seem a bit … strange. What I’m looking for is a photograph, of a white piece of paper (8.5 x 11") on a wood surface (eg. a coffee table, hardwood flooring, etc.) That’s it. No fancy angles or anything, just looking down onto the paper.

Why? I believe that even the most regimented guidelines can produce fantastically creative and varied results. So, please take a quick picture, and email it here:


There *will *be a prize for the “best” entry. I’m going to turn it into some sort of eBook or site or something. I actually through the idea past a couple people and spoke briefly of publishing. I guess we’ll see.

So do your best! Or worst! Or whatever!

Thanks & please submit!
Mark Stuckert (decisionman)


I’ve gotten lots of submissions from friends and people at school, but no Kirupians. C’mon! Here’s one:

this is really weird.

still, good for you i guess :stuck_out_tongue:
could be a unique book, would probably start conversations!

^ - thx man. please contribute!


It sounds like a cool idea really. I’d participate, but i don’t have a camera.:frowning: