A couple of problems

Ok, few problems. I’m working on this http://http://ring.halogrid.com/graph1.swf

1st problem.
I’m trying to animate the lines so that they rotate to their position. Instead of start there like you see.

onEnterFrame = function (){
        if (_root.line1._rotation<=angle1) {
                _root.line1._rotation +=2.5;

The problem with that up there is, once it gets over 180 (angle1 = 220) it will just go around and around. It should only do that when it’s over 360, not 180.

2nd problem, I have a movie clip with a dynamic text box inside it, when the movie clip rotates the text in the text box no longer shows. Actually the text dosent show even if the movie clip doesn’t rotate.

_root.line1.title1 = name1

(name1 = HBO)

That’s it, thenx if you can help.