A "different" Flash website!

real different…

whatcha say…?



Im not going to be able to sleep right for a week.

scary preloader, why would someone make something like this? is blood bath an art form there? ones i saw this movie called “bad taste” it was yukky this site reminded me of that movie.

scary? wierd… I didn’t find anything scary :-\ … Iwas just admiring the cool animation :stuck_out_tongue: and the 3d robot is awesome!

That was pretty weird :stuck_out_tongue:

bizarre :stuck_out_tongue:

That kicked so much ***:crazy:


Kind-a retarded?

I dunno… I didn’t like it very much… :stuck_out_tongue: Not weird… Not bloodie… Just… Not right… :stuck_out_tongue: hehe

I am on 24 K is never loaded :smiley:

What’s the meaning though? :h:

Thats so funny when the cop takes that dudes head and puts it somewhere and then launches it… i laughed at that…

the chick that pops up after the first red button is pressed is kind of freaky looking…

hmm pretty odd, but if you want to see the oddest flash site of all head to:

I think it is ****ing amazing!!!

Weird? bizarre? …aren’t the proper adjectives for something like this.
That site is pure art, in my humble opinion…

Flash is not only Big 'n flashy text effects, pixels styles and shapes…:sure:

very very very nice. Maybe one of my favorites.

I don’t get it. :\

Just in case: the red buttons are the menu…

Loved the style of the animation, hated the site portion (hard to read text, especially on that background).

Great find though Eyez, it’s good to see something different… it’s refreshing.

I like it, very creative. =)

that site is bomb!! good find…I was glued to the screen…actually watched it a few times

not my style, but i give props where it’s due. Nice work.