And i tought 2advanced was cool

OMG! i just found this page, its very very very original and the deisgn… what design?! its all weird and way to original.

check this site out!, you think it competes with 2advanced…

very much originality… :slight_smile: :smiley: :o

You never knew about Who’s We!

Who’s You! lol

Yes, it is a very sweet site when it comes to 3D animation!

lol! no i never heard of them. :hair:

but its a very nice site huh.

crazy :crazy: and original :smiley:

yeah they are up for like 20 awards with that site :o

yea thats an amazing site…=) i like the ball in the hat…every now and then i load their page to look at…anyone else obsses with it and the car???

but a lil bit dated, isn´t it?

Who´s we is coll too and updated in a regular bases, but kindaof heavy. :frowning:

*Originally posted by Makaveli *
**yea thats an amazing site…=) i like the ball in the hat…every now and then i load their page to look at…anyone else obsses with it and the car??? **

True… True… :stuck_out_tongue:

That site had been psoted here like twice I think. I like the enter page for the standerd and eyecandy sites.

its pretty cool… its been there for a while now though…
theres this interview with the led designer of that site… its just weird

very good stuff

sheep ur footer is awsome!!! i know some people think its freaky or whatever but i love it!! keep up the scaring of people, its an art !!!

oh and ahmed

Q: How come I never heard of Who’s We? Can it be because the company doesn’t exist that long? How long does Who’s We exist?
A: “Why is the sky blue? Why is the grass green? You guys sure ask a lot of questions. What are you a COP? We have been around for quite sometime. While everyone else is looking for recognition, we have been building a stealth empire.”

lol…and that nanaja cream is…very interesting…and the whole bugs thing…whoa…amd that whos on first thing…i liked the interview, it made little sense, i got nothing from it, but it was fun!!!

*Originally posted by Makaveli *
**i liked the interview, it made little sense, i got nothing from it, but it was fun!!! **

thats like just why i liked the interview :stuck_out_tongue:

They were a monthly feature on FLashkit a few months back…

[SIZE=1]awaits whipping for refrencing another flash resource[/SIZE]

i don´t think that this is a issue here :-/

but since you asked: take that! and that! :trout:

happy :stuck_out_tongue:


right back at ya…

:trout: :trout: :trout: :trout:

sheep ur footer is awsome!!! i know some people think its freaky or whatever but i love it!! keep up the scaring of people, its an art !!!

well kirupa asked me way to nicely for me to refuse or be an ***. so,… …are you getting sleepy??

:sleep: yes :sleep:

Hey sheep, was yours the footer of maynard licking marilyn manson’s inner mouth? Impressive line art, but a tad disgusting. you should add a link to your footer…

add a link to marilyn maynard?

Dear god no!!! :trout:

i was thinking more along the lines of a link to your personal site, where if you wanted to, you could feature anything… even including Maynard Manson. ::Shudder::

haha :evil: