A few questions about C++ now and ~10 years ago

Hello there. Most of you don’t know who I am, but just to introduce my self:
I started learning C++ about a week ago. I’m currently on “day 2” on “Sam’s teach yourself C++ in 21 days”. I know I’m slow, but that’s one of the reasons I’m posting here right now! :slight_smile:

You see my issue is that a lot of the examples in the book (http://newdata.box.sk/bx/c/htm/ch01.htm) does NOT work when trying to compile the program with modern compilers (Turbo C++, Visual C++, Dev-C++).

So I started reading a few newer guides and found out that I needed to type in a few other lines before starting to write the main function of the program.

e.g 1, Sam’s teach yourself (day 1):

#include <iostream.h>

int main()
cout << "Hello World!
return 0;

-This example “works”, but the compiler suggests that I use the library iostream instead of iostream.h. I got confused but figured that they might have just updated the library, so after a few moments of reading about and finding no good info on this, I just used iostream. Problem solved (after a lot of time spent on trying to find out why this wasn’t working 100% with iostream.h).

e.g 2, Sam’s teach yourself (day 2, just copying now instead):
p.s: the numbers (e.g: 1:, 2:,) are just line numbers to help the reader and explain later how the lines work.
1: // Listing 2.2 using cout
3: #include <iostream.h>
4: int main()
5: {
6: cout << "Hello there.
7: cout << "Here is 5: " << 5 << "
8: cout << “The manipulator endl writes a new line to the screen.” <<
9: cout << "Here is a very big number: " << 70000 << endl;
10: cout << "Here is the sum of 8 and 5: " << 8+5 << endl;
11: cout << "Here’s a fraction: " << (float) 5/8 << endl;
12: cout << "And a very very big number: " << (double) 7000 * 7000 <<
13: cout << "Don’t forget to replace Jesse Liberty with your name…
14: cout << "Jesse Liberty is a C++ programmer!
15: return 0;
16: }

[/COLOR]-This did not work at all. I got errors here and there, can’t exactly remember where but after getting frustrated I looked for other guides to find out how to write it.
I found a swedish guide (I’m norwegian, so I understand most of it) and read the first four pages. Most of it was the same as Sam’s guide but some important differences. Here, “iostream” was used as a library on the beginner programs, not “iostream.h”.
And a function called “using namespace std;” was also used. So I tried to apply this to the code and replace a few lines in the code, and eventually made it work. Here is my code:

// Code starts here
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
cout << “Hello there!” << endl;
cout << "Here is 5: " << 5 << endl;
cout << “The manipulator endl writes a new line to the screen” << endl;
cout << "Here is a very big number: " << 70000 << endl;
cout << "Here is the sum of 8 and 5: " << 8+5 << endl;
cout << "Here is a fraction (5/8): " << (float) 5/8 << endl;
cout << "And a very big number: " << (double) 7000 * 7000 << endl;
cout << “Don’t forget to replace Jesse Liberty with your name…” << endl;
cout << “Andreas is a C++ programmer!” << endl;
return 0;
//Code ends here

As you can see, I’ve replaced a few of the "
"'s with endl;. Simply because I couldn’t get it to function with "
"'s everywhere.

Can anyone explain to me why the examples in the “old” Sam’s teach yourself guide won’t compile correctly?

Has the language changed from 1994 to 2007 (which I presume it has)?
If yes: How has it changed? What’s different?

Can I still use Sam’s teach yourself guide to learn C++?

Thanks in advance, and sorry to make you all read all of this =)
