What File To Download

Hey, I’m just starting to learn C++ programming and I need a little file help. I bought a book called “Teach Yourself Object-Oriented Programming with Turbo C++ in 21 Days” from the library for a quarter. I know that there are several versions of this program, and I was wondering which one was being used in this book. I know this book is outdated, seeing as the copyright is 1993 (before I was even born) but I would still like to learn how to use it. And, if the program that is being used in the site is version 3 (for example), can I use the same coding for version 4? Thanks in advance.

So you’re 14 or younger and trying to learn C++? That’s impressive :slight_smile:

C++ has always been C++, so unless you’re getting into the horrid extremes of what is possible with Turbo C++ 3, you should be fine using any IDE. For the purposes of getting to know C++ you’ll usually be sticking to the basics of the language, which any IDE will handle just fine for you. I imagine the differences between Turbo C++ 3 and Turbo C++ 4 not to be as huge as to cause you a lot of trouble finding your way between them. Chances are the only things that have been changed or added is stuff you wouldn’t be using anyway.

I know you’re aware of this, but you should really try to find a more recent book on C++.

Thanks. It was the only one I could find. A few months ago (when I first started learning ActionScript) I went to the same library and happened to see two volumes of C++ for Dummies. Since I was mainly focused on ActionScript at the moment, I decided not to take them out. But when I went back yesterday and bought the C++ book, I couldn’t find the more recent Dummies one. So it’s good to know that I can start learning with this one, until I can find a more appropriate one in with more up to date information. Thanks again.