how do i get pics below my name
how do i get pictures inside my gallery for mx, i drag the picture gallery component onot the canvas but i cant seem to get the pictures inside the scroller… thanks !
how do i get pics below my name
how do i get pictures inside my gallery for mx, i drag the picture gallery component onot the canvas but i cant seem to get the pictures inside the scroller… thanks !
nevermind i got the pic below my name, but i still dont know how to get pic gallery ; )
what kinda picture gallery do you want? and whats the component like? if the gallery is simple you can do without the component, but you gotta tell me how you’d like it first
Is this how you like it??? :cowboy:
its jsut a bunch of pictures inside the component that comes with flash… ther is only one component with pictures, and you can scroll up and down and left and right with the component
Huh??? Did you call me??? :bandit:
Did you check out the link that I have given you??? That will do what you have asked… Anything else you want to ask??? :rambo:
*Originally posted by Cheez00 *
**its jsut a bunch of pictures inside the component that comes with flash… ther is only one component with pictures, and you can scroll up and down and left and right with the component **
Are you talking about the scrollPane?? Please be precise…
yes teh scroll pane :S
he hee i must be getting annoying… yes i want to figure out how to get pictures in the scroll pane component in flash
Check this tutorial out… You would have gotten more information if you did fully searched the forum… Just letting you know… :cowboy:
I saw the secreenshot of this - tutorial - tutorial
scroll down then you will see the secreenshot of all his components in flash mx he have a progress bar and ticker…etc
how kan i do that Add more stuff to the component window so i just liek drag the progressbar and edit it !
is there tutorials about it !
thanx :evil:
you mean add more componenets to the component thing? i think thats macromedia extension and you d/l the components…not sure never treid it :-/
ok thx dude !:cowboy:
just in case you haven’t found it yet …
how do i put multiple pictures in the scroll pane
Create a master movieclip that holds individual movieclips which contain one image file each…
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