Scrollbar of some kind?

I wonder how get a scroll in to frame of alot o pics, I would like to scroll the tiny picures and them klick on them to look at them in a big view, but thats not my problem.
I cant figure out how to use a scroll just like for text?.

Howdy and Welcome…

What you are looking for is a ScrollPane component which contains a movieclip… That movieclip contains thumbnails which you can click on to get the bigger picture loaded… Check out the tutorial section… I think there are a couple of gallery tutorials… Also do the searching on the forum to get more information regarding this gallery stuff… This has been dealt many times this week and last week… :wink:

tnx man.
Just found this site, gonna hang out here many more times :slight_smile:

Sure… No problem… Kirupa is open to everybody… =)

hmm I cant understand how the scrollpane works ?
how do I put the pics in it ? =/

Well… This should have been discussed many times before, but I’ll go over it one more time… (Search the forum for more information… ;))

Create a new Flash movie…
Import a picture file into the Flash…
Create a movieclip with that picture…
Delete the movieclip with the picture on the stage…
Open up the library and right click on that movieclip…
Select ‘Linkage’ from the context menu…
Check on ‘Export for ActionScript’ and type ‘pic’ into the Identifier area…
Open up the component panel and drag the ScrollPane component onto the stage…
Click on the ScrollPane instance on the stage and open up the Properties panel…(Windows - Properties)
Make sure ‘Parameters’ tab is opened…
See the middle area where it says ‘Scroll Content’ in the properties panel??? Type ‘pic’ in there, without the quotes…
Run the movie to see the picture file you have converted to the movieclip scrollable within the ScrollPane…

Try it… :wink:

i had the EXACT same problem… follow this tutorial it helped me

tnx so <b>VERY</b> much u guys just saved my day :slight_smile: