A tricky little question for some whizz out there.
Basically I wish to generate some form of animation but I am thinking again of what it is I am after.
Basically my views on the subject are that once the flash has played one on the homepage, i dont want to keep repeating the movie each time the user goes back to the home page.
Logically thinking I could create a session with ASP in some cases where if the flash has been viewed once then if the user goes back to the home page then display an alternative graphic.
Fine no problem.
What if the user does indeed wish to see the flash movie again. Well I am stuffed? because it will be a static image in the first place. ahhhhhh
Please someone help me out. I have a little idea and understanding in regard to variables in flash in reference to keep state but it was a long time ago I did this and no notes were taken
So please can anyone give me an example, or demonstrate a typical situation and proide me with some guidance on achieving such a request.
Many thanks in advance