I am after some advice please for flash and asp usage.
Basically what I am after is for example:-
In my flash I have two key frames 1 and 2.
If a user has already seen my flash file once within the same session, i.e they have already seen it and are still in the site, and again revert back to the home page.
What I want to do is play frame 2 not frame 1 if they have already seen frame one at the start.
I have seen this sort of thing before as an example yahoo.
Where they have a movie that plays the first time you load the site, but the other times you go to the home page the flash does not play again.
I HOPE SOMEONE can help me out as this has been a long awaited request of mine that I just cannot figure out.
Any help or better still and example would be fantastic.
I look forward to any advice, help, examples.
Hey Trev!
Well you can have a conditional in you asp page and then send a variable to flash letting it know what frame to play.
if(user has seen this already) then
frameNum == 2
frameNum == 1
end if
wow my asp is rusty :lol:
Hey how you doing long time no see :(.
Hope your alright mate.
I understand ASP its just the connection between both.
What you have supplied is a simple if statement. I would use something like:-
If viewedflash = 1 Then
framenumber = 2
framenumber = 1
End If
But how does flash relate to this, any chance of a sample I can try in my localhost?
Just put two key frames into the flash, 1st key frame with seen and the second with not seen. So I may have an idea how you have done it.
That would be a big help, also get in touch mate long time no chat it would be good to catch up. Lots going on :).
Hey how you doing long time no see :(.
Hope your alright mate.
I understand ASP its just the connection between both.
What you have supplied is a simple if statement. I would use something like:-
ActionScript Code:
[FONT=Courier New][LEFT][COLOR=#0000FF]If[/COLOR] viewedflash = [COLOR=#000080]1[/COLOR] Then
framenumber = [COLOR=#000080]2[/COLOR]
framenumber = [COLOR=#000080]1[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#0000FF]End[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000FF]If[/COLOR]
But how does flash relate to this, any chance of a sample I can try in my localhost?
Just put two key frames into the flash, 1st key frame with seen and the second with not seen. So I may have an idea how you have done it.
That would be a big help, also get in touch mate long time no chat it would be good to catch up. Lots going on :).
Yes man we will have to chat been super busy. Things are great as I assume & hope are with you.
It’s around 10:30 am here, I can surely make you a quick sample before I go to lunch. Will repost in about an hour or so.
here ya go bro this should do it.
Cheers mate, I will have a look at this in a bit, and see how it all works.
Chat soon fella, I get the new PC soon :).
You should have my email address, give us a shout sometime.
will do bro let me know if you have a problem.
I could have sworn this was suppose to be like so:-
<param name=“movie” value=“trev.swf?framenumber = 2” />
I think your thinking the querystring, I have seen the source code where it looks like this where the flash movie is, so this should work in any standard html page as well but it does not seem to work
Any ideas ?
ya i see what you mean.
in that case you can just take the load vars part out…
var gotoFrame = level0.framenumber;
mmm, I have inputted this code and nada still not working.
Any advice to sort this pain in the *** problem out?
Cheers for the time
Getting there…
hehe once sec, let me make a dummy html file.
anytime bro
Not that simple then :).
Let us know if you ever achieve it D
Hear from you soon
Well I figured it out, close and now it works at last.
In the flash
if (movie==1"") {
vText = "No Value"
if (movie==2) {
vText = "Some Value"
in the html page
<Param name="FlashVars" Value="movie=2" />
Hope this helps.