A good Pixel or Micro Font?

I’m looking for a good micro or pixel font. It is for my personal site so it is non commercial. If anybody has a good one if the could post or link to it(or a place to download some good ones) that would be great.:slight_smile: Thanks

I have to say… I love the 04


They are the best place I have found for pixel fonts. Absolutely great. Not all of their pixel fonts work in Flash though, I think they were meant for Photoshop (which is cool for me too). Download some, test 'em out, and have a ball.

Thanks again=) As always you have come through in record time.

Always glad to help:)

<I>:::::go speed racer go:::::</I>

<B>EDIT:</B> You can also get a few at http://aenigma.freakware.net (I love his fonts)

Have you tried http://www.superlooper.de

Ya I was there. Coll site but not realy any fonts I could use. Thanks:)